


Armelle Falliex is a French born artist
She lives and works in Venice, CA since 2012
email: falliexarmelle(at)

She became interested in the Sculptures of Rodin at an early age, which led her to pursue the study of sculpture at the School of Fine Arts in Nantes -France.


STATEMENT for her Women’s project

“The project to create a series of paintings of Engaged Women with symbolic elements of their cause came to me as a necessity, almost an obligation. Despite all the changes and improvements that have benefited humanity, Women’s rights, Girls’ rights, Children’s rights are still violated over and over, if not simply ignored. This should not be tolerated in our 21s century.

As a committed artist, I found obvious to continue to shine a light on those who ardently and with passion take from their time and money to defend these rights for us. Because what they do helps us all to grow as a Human being; and what better than a painting to embody the strength of their cause?

From there I decided that each of my paintings would reveal a celebrity along with the symbols of the cause they are committed to and campaign for”


Armelle Falliex, Los Angeles, January 25th, 2015
