Hugo Aveta at Nextlevel Galerie, Paris


“Ni vencedores ni vencidos“ [neither the victors nor the defeated] by Hugo Aveta

@Nextlevel Galerie

March 16 – April 2nd

NextLevel presents through its “Featured Works” sessions the video installation by Argentinian artist Hugo Aveta.
It was bound to happen sooner or later : photography, video, and sculpture – now in the most complex phase of their relationship – change places and overlap. This in-between region is where artist Hugo Aveta undertakes his explorations. […] Ni vencedores ni vencidos [neither the victors nor the defeated] consists of notebooks with projections of images of the Argentine armed forces bombing the Plaza de Mayo, at the heart of downtown Buenos Aires, in 1955, when, with civilian support, a faction of the army attempted to assassinate President Juan D. Perón.
In the absence of explanation, viewers cannot recognize the scene which looks like an old news broadcast. Dusty images kept in the attic of the unconscious – all we can capture are the smallest details, echoes of echoes of something Hugo Aveta, Ni vencedores ni vencidos, Buenos Aires, Argentine – juin 1955, 2014 Single channel installation, projection on a notebook, color and sound, 6’39’’ loop shapeless that cannot yet be made out from the shadows. What better than the pages of a notebook – both sculpture and photograph – to represent the fragility of things? Because projected onto a notebook, these images are associated with childhood memories, with the paper airplanes and boats used to play war. In the world Aveta constructs, childhood sinks into the abyss with the deafening roar of politics in the background.“
Excerpt from text by María Gainza, exhibition catalog « My Buenos Aires » La Maison Rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Fages publishing, 2015. Curated by: Paula Aisemberg and Albertine de Galbert